Installing a FCD on a Toyota Celica GT4


This page contains details of tools required aswell as how to wire up the FCD. The instructions are based on a GT4 install however the principles are the same for any turbocharged car.


Fitting the FCD

Fitting the FCD is relatively simple however you will need to gain access and 'tap' into some of the ECU wires. Failure to follow the instructions correctly could cause damage to your ECU. If you are not confident in carrying out these instructions - seek help or advice before proceeding.

Parts Required

3 scotch blocks
1 air/fuel mixture meter (highly recommended)
1 ECU wiring diagram for your car

Tools Required

1 small jewellers screwdriver (flat)
1 soldering iron (not necessary if scotch blocks are used)

Locate the ECU and centre block connector

Locate the ECU behind the centre console by folding away the carpet revealing the 3 main block connectors. On a RHD model the ECU block connectors are on the passenger side of the car.
Locate and disconnect the centre ECU block connector. All three wires required are located on this block connector.

Locate the three required wires

Locate the TPS signal wire (a red and white wire marked PIM on the ECU wiring diagram). For 1992 onwrads cars, this is normally pin number 5 on the centre block connector i.e. fourth along from the left on the top row. For cars earlier than 1992 this is normally pin 13 on the centre block connector i.e. fourth along from the left on the bottom row.
Locate the +5v power wire (a pink and blue wire marked VC on the ECU wiring diagram). This is normally pin 1 on the centre block connector i.e. the wire farthest to the right along the top row.
Locate the ground wire (a brown wire marked E2 on the ECU wiring diagram). This is normally pin 9 on the centre block connector i.e. the wire farthest to the right along the bottom row.

Wiring the FCD

Use a soldering iron or scotch block to connect the green wire of the FCD to the red and white TPS signal wire of the ECU - (pin 5 or 13, PIM).
Use a soldering iron or scotch block to connect the red wire of the FCD to the pink and blue +5v wire of the ECU - (pin 1, VC).
Use a soldering iron or scotch block to connect the black wire of the FCD to the brown ground wire of the ECU - (pin 9, E2).

NOTE: Do NOT cut ANY of the wires, simply tap into them !

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